Table information for 'lolss.source_catalog'


This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description: This page provides public access to the LBA survey of HETDEX, as a single mosaic over the HETDEX field and associated catalogue, covering around 700 square degrees centered in the RA range 10h45m00s to 15h30m00s and DEC range 45d00m00s to 57d00m00s. 25,247 sources are detected and the rms noise level is around 4 mJy/beam at a resolution of 47 arcsec and an effective frequency of 54 MHz. The flux scale appears to be good based on a comparison with VLSS.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'LBA survey of HETDEX'

Citing this table

This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2021A&A...648A.104D (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={{LBA} survey of {HETDEX}},
  author={de Gasperin, F. and Williams, W. L. and Best, P. and Bruggen, M. and Brunetti, G. and Cuciti, V. and Dijkema, T. J. and Hardcastle, M. J. and Norden, M. J. and Offringa , A. and Shimwell, T. and van Weeren, R. and Bomans, D. and Bonafede, A. and Botteon, A. and Callingham, J. R. and Cassano, R. and Chyzy, K. T. and Emig, K. L. and Edler, H. and Haverkorn, M. and Heald, G. and Heesen, V. and Iacobelli, M. and Intema, H. T. and Kadler, M. and Malek, K. and Mevius, M. and Miley, G. and Mingo, B. and Morabito, L. K. and Sabater, J. and Morganti, R. and Orru, E. and Pizzo, R. and Prandoni, I. and Shulevski, A. and Tasse, C. and Vaccari, M. and Zarka, P. and Rottgering, H.},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the The VO @ {ASTRON}}


Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
source Source name N/A N/A;meta.main
ra Right ascension N/A deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dec Declination N/A deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main
e_ra E. right ascension N/A arcsec pos.eq.ra;stat.error
e_dec E. declination N/A arcsec pos.eq.dec;stat.error
tot_flux Total flux Integrated flux density mJy N/A
e_tot_flux E. total flux Error on the integrated flux density mJy N/A
peak_flux Total flux Peak brightness (affected by smearing) mJy/beam N/A
e_peak_flux E. total flux Error on peak brightness mJy/beam N/A
maj_axis Major axis size Source size, major axis arcsec N/A
e_maj E. major axis size Error on the major axis size arcsec N/A
min_axis Minor axis size Source size, minor axis arcsec N/A
e_min E. minor axis size Error on the minor axis size arcsec N/A
pa Position angle N/A deg N/A
e_pa E. position angle N/A deg N/A
dc_maj Deconvolved major axis size Deconvolved source size, major axis arcsec N/A
e_dc_maj E. deconvolved major axis size Error on the deconvolved major axis size arcsec N/A
dc_min Deconvolved minor axis size Deconvolved source size, minor axis arcsec N/A
e_dc_min Error deconvolved minor axis size Error on the deconvolved minor axis size arcsec N/A
dc_pa Deconvolved position angle N/A deg N/A
e_dc_pa E. deconvolved position angle N/A deg N/A
isl_rms Local rms noise N/A mJy/beam N/A
s_code Source code `S' indicates an isolated source which is fit with a single Gaussian; `C' represents sources that are fit by a single Gaussian but are within an island of emission that also contains other sources; and `M' is used for sources which are extended and fitted with multiple Gaussians N/A meta.code

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


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