Information on Service 'The VO @ ASTRON SIAP Version 2 Service'

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The The VO @ ASTRON's sitewide SIAP version 2 service publishes all the images published through the site. For more advanced queries including uploads, all this data is also available through ObsTAP.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource '__system__/siap2'


You can access this service using:

This service is published as follows:

local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.

Input Fields

The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
BAND Wavelength Wavelength interval that should intersect with the dataset coverage N/A N/A
CALIB Calib. Level Calibration level of the data (0=raw data .. 3=processed science-ready data) N/A N/A
COLLECTION Collection A name of a data collection within the service (use ObsTAP to find out the possible values). N/A N/A
DPTYPE Type Select either image or cube. N/A N/A
EXPTIME Exposure Time Lower and upper bound for the integration times of the observation s N/A
FACILITY Facility A name of a facility (usually a telescope) used to make the observation. N/A N/A
FORMAT Format Media type (like image/fits) or similar of the data product searched N/A N/A
FOV Field of View Lower and upper bound for the field of view of the observation deg N/A
ID DID A dataset identifier to match. Note that contrary to the SIAP v2 REC, we do not compare the IVOIDs case-insensitively. This should not be an issue if you got the IVOID from this service. For IVOIDs obtained in other ways, you may need to use ILIKE or a similar facility through ObsTAP. N/A N/A
INSTRUMENT Instrument A name of an instrument used to acquire the data. N/A N/A
MAXREC Match limit Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. N/A N/A
POL Polarisation Polarisation states as per Obscore (i.e., from the set I Q U V RR LL RL LR XX YY XY YX POLI POLA N/A N/A
POS Position A spatial constraint using SIAPv2 CIRCLE, RANGE, or POLYGON shapes and respective values in decimal degrees. N/A N/A
RESPONSEFORMAT Output Format File format requested for output. N/A meta.code.mime
SPATRES Spat. Res. Lower and upper bound for the spatial resolution of the image(s) deg N/A
SPECRP Res. Power Lower and upper bound for the spectral resolving power λ/Δλ in spectrally resolved observations N/A N/A
TARGET Target A name of an observation target. N/A N/A
TIME Time Time interval that should intersect with the dataset coverage N/A N/A
TIMERES Time res. Lower and upper bound for the (absolute) resolution on the time axis s N/A
VERB Verbosity Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. N/A N/A

Default Output Fields

The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
access_estsize Access_estsize Estimated size of data product kbyte phys.size;meta.file
access_format Access_format MIME type of the resource at access_url N/A meta.code.mime
access_url Access_url The URL at which to obtain the data set. N/A meta.ref.url
calib_level Calib_level Amount of data processing that has been applied to the data Note calib N/A meta.code;obs.calib
dataproduct_subtype Dataproduct_subtype Data product specific type N/A
dataproduct_type Dataproduct_type High level scientific classification of the data product, taken from an enumeration N/A
em_max Em_max Maximal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.max
em_min Em_min Minimal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.min
em_res_power Em_res_power Spectral resolving power delta lambda/lamda N/A spect.resolution
em_ucd Em_ucd Nature of the product's spectral axis N/A meta.ucd
em_xel Em_xel Number of elements (typically pixels) along the spectral axis. N/A meta.number
facility_name Facility_name Name of the facility at which data was taken N/A;
instrument_name Instrument_name Name of the instrument that produced the data N/A;instr
o_ucd O_ucd UCD for the product's observable N/A meta.ucd
obs_collection Obs_collection Name of a data collection (e.g., project name) this data belongs to N/A
obs_creator_did Obs_creator_did Dataset identifier assigned by the creator. N/A
obs_id Obs_id Unique identifier for an observation N/A
obs_publisher_did Obs_publisher_did Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher. N/A meta.ref.uri;meta.curation
obs_title Obs_title Free-from title of the data set N/A meta.title;obs
pol_states Pol_states List of polarization states in the data set N/A meta.code;phys.polarization
pol_xel Pol_xel Number of elements (typically pixels) along the polarization axis. N/A meta.number
preview Preview URL of a preview (low-resolution, quick-to-retrieve representation) of the data. N/A meta.ref.url;datalink.preview
s_dec S_dec Dec of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.dec
s_fov S_fov Approximate spatial extent for the region covered by the observation deg phys.angSize;instr.fov
s_pixel_scale S_pixel_scale Sampling period in world coordinate units along the spatial axis arcsec phys.angSize;instr.pixel
s_ra S_ra RA of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.ra
s_region S_region Region covered by the observation, as a polygon N/A pos.outline;obs.field
s_resolution S_resolution Best spatial resolution within the data set arcsec pos.angResolution
s_xel1 S_xel1 Number of elements (typically pixels) along the first spatial axis. N/A meta.number
s_xel2 S_xel2 Number of elements (typically pixels) along the second spatial axis. N/A meta.number
t_exptime T_exptime Total exposure time s time.duration;obs.exposure
t_max T_max Upper bound of times represented in the data set, as MJD d time.end;obs.exposure
t_min T_min Lower bound of times represented in the data set, as MJD d time.start;obs.exposure
t_resolution T_resolution Minimal significant time interval along the time axis s time.resolution
t_xel T_xel Number of elements (typically pixels) along the time axis. N/A meta.number
target_class Target_class Class of the target object (star, QSO, ...) N/A src.class
target_name Target_name Object a targeted observation targeted N/A;src

VOTable Output Fields

The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD Verb. Level
access_url Access_url The URL at which to obtain the data set. N/A meta.ref.url 1
s_ra S_ra RA of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.ra 1
s_dec S_dec Dec of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.dec 1
dataproduct_type Dataproduct_type High level scientific classification of the data product, taken from an enumeration N/A 5
obs_id Obs_id Unique identifier for an observation N/A 5
obs_title Obs_title Free-from title of the data set N/A meta.title;obs 5
obs_publisher_did Obs_publisher_did Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher. N/A meta.ref.uri;meta.curation 5
access_format Access_format MIME type of the resource at access_url N/A meta.code.mime 5
access_estsize Access_estsize Estimated size of data product kbyte phys.size;meta.file 5
s_fov S_fov Approximate spatial extent for the region covered by the observation deg phys.angSize;instr.fov 5
calib_level Calib_level Amount of data processing that has been applied to the data Note calib N/A meta.code;obs.calib 10
t_min T_min Lower bound of times represented in the data set, as MJD d time.start;obs.exposure 10
t_max T_max Upper bound of times represented in the data set, as MJD d time.end;obs.exposure 10
t_exptime T_exptime Total exposure time s time.duration;obs.exposure 10
em_min Em_min Minimal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.min 10
em_max Em_max Maximal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.max 10
s_xel1 S_xel1 Number of elements (typically pixels) along the first spatial axis. N/A meta.number 10
s_xel2 S_xel2 Number of elements (typically pixels) along the second spatial axis. N/A meta.number 10
t_xel T_xel Number of elements (typically pixels) along the time axis. N/A meta.number 10
em_xel Em_xel Number of elements (typically pixels) along the spectral axis. N/A meta.number 10
pol_xel Pol_xel Number of elements (typically pixels) along the polarization axis. N/A meta.number 10
s_pixel_scale S_pixel_scale Sampling period in world coordinate units along the spatial axis arcsec phys.angSize;instr.pixel 10
dataproduct_subtype Dataproduct_subtype Data product specific type N/A 15
obs_collection Obs_collection Name of a data collection (e.g., project name) this data belongs to N/A 15
obs_creator_did Obs_creator_did Dataset identifier assigned by the creator. N/A 15
target_name Target_name Object a targeted observation targeted N/A;src 15
s_region S_region Region covered by the observation, as a polygon N/A pos.outline;obs.field 15
s_resolution S_resolution Best spatial resolution within the data set arcsec pos.angResolution 15
t_resolution T_resolution Minimal significant time interval along the time axis s time.resolution 15
em_res_power Em_res_power Spectral resolving power delta lambda/lamda N/A spect.resolution 15
o_ucd O_ucd UCD for the product's observable N/A meta.ucd 15
pol_states Pol_states List of polarization states in the data set N/A meta.code;phys.polarization 15
facility_name Facility_name Name of the facility at which data was taken N/A; 15
instrument_name Instrument_name Name of the instrument that produced the data N/A;instr 15
em_ucd Em_ucd Nature of the product's spectral axis N/A meta.ucd 15
preview Preview URL of a preview (low-resolution, quick-to-retrieve representation) of the data. N/A meta.ref.url;datalink.preview 15
target_class Target_class Class of the target object (star, QSO, ...) N/A src.class 20
source_table Source_table Name of a TAP-queriable table this data originates from. This source table usually provides more information on the the data than what is given in obscore. See the TAP_SCHEMA of the originating TAP server for details. N/A;meta.table 25

VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)

Note calib

The calib_level flag takes the following values:

0 Raw Instrumental data requiring instrument-specific tools
1 Instrumental data processable with standard tools
2 Calibrated, science-ready data without instrument signature
3 Enhanced data products (e.g., mosaics)