Apertif Elais - Mosaic

Apertif is a phased-array feed system for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), operating at 1.4 GHz and providing forty instantaneous beams over 300 MHz of bandwidth. This data release includes the image of the ELAIS-N field observed with Apertif. The image covers 25 square degree region, has an angular resolution of 18x11 arcseconds and a median background noise of 37 μJy/beam. The corresponding source catalog, complete down to the 0.3 mJy level, includes 8526 sources. https://science.astron.nl/telescopes/wsrt-apertif/apertif-data-access/data-releases/apertif-single-fields/
ICRS Position, RA,DEC, or Simbad object (e.g., 234.234,-32.45)
Size in decimal degrees (e.g., 0.2 or 1,0.1)
Relation of image and specified Region of Interest.
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